Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hello everyone and welcome! Did you find a piece of Found Art? 

Found Art is an international arts movement with the goal of spreading goodwill throughout the world. Visual art is a natural communicator and helps open the hearts and minds of both the creator and the receiver. Students not only fulfill required visual art standards, but have the goal of sharing art with the Westerville community and beyond. Each child’s positive work of art is created and left somewhere as a gift for whoever finds it. If you found a piece of art that was made especially for you please email me at and please include the number that is on the artwork, where you found it, and any feedback  or message that you have for the artist. Each student has reflected on the role of the arts in their daily life and how it affects others. We hope you enjoyed finding your artwork and find a way to be a part of the arts here in Westerville!

Below are some student examples of Found Art that are going to be left for people out there in the world! 
Click on any picture to see a larger version. 
Al Period 8/9 at Theme: Freedom
Alivia Period 3 Theme: The Beach

Austin Period 10 Theme: Games
Brandon Period 2 Theme: Forests
Carolyn Period 2 Theme: Parties
Ciara Period 10 Theme: Water
Jacob Period 4/5 Theme: The Beach
Janai Period 10 Theme: The World
Joe Period 4/5 Theme: Sports
Kaylin Period 3 Theme: Music
Lukas Period 8/9 Theme: Humor
Madison Period 2 Theme: Nature
Natalie Period 3 Theme: The Beach

Olivia Period 3 Theme: Cities
Shannon Period 8/9 Theme: Food
Sierra Period 10 Theme: Sunsets
Stephanie Period 4/5 Theme: Love
Vicky Period 2 Theme: Water/Ocean
Vincent Period 8/9 Theme: The Worl
Aalexus Period 4/5 Theme: Parties