Friday, November 26, 2010


Wow did we have a plethora of great prints created! Students created reduction prints with a minimum of three colors in addition to white. In reduction printing, the block is carved between each layer of ink that is printed to show the previous color beneath. We used a product by the name of Ez-Cut for our carving blocks as they are much easier and safer for students to carve. Printmaking is one of my favorite mediums to teach because at this age level most students have never printed before, especially using the reduction method. Students chose their own themes for this assignment and printed three prints each. Enjoy the product of their hard work!

By Abbey Pd 8/9

By Alana Pd 10
By Alex Pd 10

By Chris Pd 3

By Emiyah Pd 10

By Ciara Pd 10
By Hannah Pd 4/5
By Hope pd 3

By Isaiah Pd 3
By James pd 3

By Janee Pd 4/5
By Keaton Pd 2

By Maddy Pd 10
By Madie Pd 2

By Madison Pd 2
By Michaela Pd 2

By Moussa Pd 3
By Nick Pd 4/5

By Noah Pd 8/9
By Olivia Pd 3

By Sammy Pd 8/9
By Sierra Pd 10

By Spencer Pd 2
By Timmy Pd 2

By Jasmine Pd 10
By Kara Pd 4/5

By Veronica Pd 10
Thanks for checking out our prints! :)